Hallee C


What got you interested in working as a speech therapist?

I was drawn to the idea that ST incorporated both science and language while providing the opportunity to build lasting relationships with clients and their families.


What do you love most about being a speech therapist?

I love watching the light bulb turn on for a kiddo! Whether it’s demonstrating self awareness with a speech sound, using a targeted language component in conversation, or accessing a new word or phrase on a SGD, it’s always so fun to watch their hard work pay off and increase independence! 


What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I love doing anything and everything outside – hiking, biking, swimming, and enjoying the sunshine with my husband and daughter are my favorite ways to spend free time! I also love to visit with friends and family and read (especially into fantasy fiction right now).


What is something most people don’t know about you?

I played basketball for 4 years in college. Go Blugolds!


What is your favorite activity to encourage learning and growth with kids?

Playing with bubbles or shaving cream! I love hands-on activities that can be utilized to target a variety of skills – these two are fun for so many ages!