What got you interested in working as an occupational therapist?
I became interested in OT when I was working as a respite care provider in college for two brothers with autism. I wanted to be able to help enable them to achieve things with greater independence (such as ADLs, though I didn’t realize it at the time!), self-regulate when demonstrating behaviors, communicate needs, and eat a greater variety of foods for growth when I was with them. I initially thought I wanted to be a PT being an exercise science major, but as I got further into school and experienced passion for helping enable those kids to be independent in their daily life skills, I discovered OT and it was a perfect fit.
What do you love most about working as an occupational therapist?
My favorite thing about being an OT is seeing progress in clients and the creativity and fun OT can bring to everyday tasks. I have a lot of great memories being an OT, so that is a tough one!
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Anything and everything outdoors – hiking, skiing, paddle boarding, and spending time with husband, friends and dog Nova 🙂 I also absolutely love to cook – come over for dinner anytime!
What is something most people don’t know about you?
A lot of people know me as a very outdoorsy person who loves to cook. Most people don’t know that I was really involved with music as a kid. I played piano for 10 years, clarinet for 5, and participated in choir throughout high school.
What is your favorite activity to encourage learning and growth with kids?
There are sooo many different skills so this is a tough one too! I like encouraging families to do gross motor activities or sensory activities prior to a seated task. Obstacle courses, messy play (such as shaving cream – can be used everywhere and for so any skills), and encouraging your child to participate in a simple cooking task (SO many fine motor, strength, sensory, cognitive, ADL benefits), are all some of my favorite activities to suggest to parents.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
I am excited to be part of this team!